“Adele One Night Only” aired on CBS Sunday night (November 14th) it was a combination of a concert, held at the beautiful Griffith Observatory, and an interview held in Oprah’s rose garden.

Adele was joined by 300 audience members, many of them celebrities who had come to welcome her back to the stage. Notable names included Melissa McCarthy, Lizzo, Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, James Corden, Seth Rogen, and the most admired attendee, Adele’s son Angelo, it was the first time seeing his mother perform.

Ahead of her album “30,” Adele performed ten songs opening with her classic, “Hello.” She also gave the audience four of her new songs, “Easy On Me,” “I Drink Wine,” “Love Is A Game,” and “Hold On,” which Adele revealed was the phrase her friends used as she was dealing with the divorce from her ex-husband, Simon Konecki.

Highlights from Adele’s interview with Oprah include how she exercised to combat “paralyzing” panic attacks and revealed that her body image isn’t something she feels she needs to validate for people. She detailed her love for her new boyfriend, Rich Paul, and how she and her father “forgave” each other prior to his death last April.

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