A man in northern India named Subhash Yadav and his friend were recently hanging out at a local market when they got into an argument. The pair decided to resolve it through a competition where they decided to devour 50 hard-boiled eggs — in a challenge probably inspired from the movie Cool Hand Luke, which had a scene that involved the lead swallowing 50 eggs. The two men in question here did it for the grand prize of Rs 2,000 ($28) for the winner. However, the challenge born out of harmless fun took a dark turn when Yadav was about to pop his 42nd egg. At this point, he fell unconscious and had to be immediately taken to the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences. The doctors did their best, but he could not be brought back to consciousness and according to the police, died on the spot. The eggs had created a lethal environment in his stomach, and he died due to overeating.