There’s so much unhealthy, delicious, processed food coming out that I’m afraid Americans might start getting chubby.  Check all this out . . .

1.  Nickelodeon Slime ICE CREAM and popsicles are now available at Walmart.  What does slime taste like?  Apparently like lemon-lime.  (The Takeout)

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Photo Courtesy of

2.  Hostess is coming out with “dessert kits” where you can put together your own parfaits using TWINKIE PUDDING.  They also have Ding Dong pudding kits.  There’s no word when these will go nationwide.  (Delish)

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Photo Courtesy of

3.  Starbucks just added a new item to its permanent menu called Dragon Drink.  It’s bright pink and a mix of mango and dragon fruit juice.  (Us)

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Photo Courtesy of

4.  Pop-Tarts has two CUPCAKE flavors coming out in June.  Frosted Chocolate Cupcake is new . . . and Frosted Confetti Cupcake is coming back after a two-year hiatus because, apparently, fans were begging for its return.  (Delish)

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