San Francisco Wants To Give All Students An “A”
San Francisco school officials are pushing to give all students “A” grades this year to help ease their coronavirus-related traumas. “We’re in a pandemic, people,” said board member Alison Collins during a Wednesday Zoom meeting. “People are dying. This is not the time for us to be acting normally.” The board argued that students are deserving of some academic consideration after having their school year upended. Susan Solomon, a teachers union representative, said city educators endorsed the idea. “We would be in support of giving students A’s,” she said. “We are very determined that this should be about doing no harm to our students.” Superintendent Vincent Mathews voiced reservations about the plan, noting the creation of blanket perfection would likely run into some resistance. The board will formally vote on the plan next week after further assessing its viability and impact on college admissions.
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