We spend so much time on our couch.  It really deserved a needlessly in-depth study like this . . .

A new survey of 2,000 Americans found the average sofa is six years old . . . and has $1.55 in change hiding in the cushions.

It’s also been napped on 36 times (seems low) . . . CRIED on 17 times . . . gone through 32 extended hangouts with friends and family . . . and been through 21 sick days.

Here are four more stats from the survey . . .

1.  70% of Americans said they like their current couch and think it’s comfortable.

2.  On average, people said you should graduate to more “grown up” furniture by the time you’re 28 years old.

3.  The top furniture purchases that make us feel grown up are a dining room table and chairs, a nice couch, and a good mattress.

4.  And the top pieces of furniture we’d like to replace are our mattress, our couch, our bed frame, our dining room table, and our TV stand.
