2-22-22 On A Twosday

The date is February 22, 2022. When you write it, 2/22/22, it’s a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward and backward. It also falls on a Tuesday, which is now referred to as Twosday.

It’s the most exceptional date in over a decade, according to palindrome enthusiast Aziz Inan. He’s a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Portland in Oregon, and he has been studying palindrome dates for over 14 years.

It’s a ubiquitous palindrome date because it’s a palindrome when it’s written in the United States format of month, day, year, and the format most other countries follow of day, month, year, Inan said.

“I feel that these dates have magical power in terms of getting people’s attention, no matter what age,” he said.  The last time there was a ubiquitous six-digit palindrome date was November 11, 2011. It’s written 11/11/11.

In Sacramento, California, 222 couples will participate in a wedding at the State Capitol. The ceremony starts at 2 p.m. PT and will conclude at precisely 2:22 p.m PT.

Couples in Singapore are also eager to get married on Tuesday. As of January 24, 483 couples had registered with the Registry of Marriages to get married on the February 22, according to the South China Morning Post.

Taco Twosday also falls on National Margarita Day – coincidence? (We think not.) Many restaurants around the United States are offering deals on the tart drink.

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