Sleeping Beauty Needed for Mattress Reviews

A mattress-reviewing platform said it is seeking a Sleeping Beauty to test out a variety of mattresses. said the lucky chosen candidate “will be paid to sleep on the job” by trying at least three top-rated mattresses in a two-month period and then writing detailed reviews of each experience.

They will be paid $3,000 for the mattress testing job, as well as being allowed to keep the mattress of their choice at the end of their duties.

“To be the right fit for the role you will need to be a self-starter, available to work immediately and independently, have clear writing skills, good evaluation skills and be exceptionally good at sleeping,” – Sleep Junkie

The posting does have a downside if you’re cohabitating: “Our Sleeping Beauty will also have to be able to sleep alone to ensure an undisturbed night’s sleep.”

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